Time Quotes

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It is familiarity with life that makes time speed quickly. When every day is a step in the unknown, as for children, the days are long with gathering of experience. ~ The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft by George Gissing "He makes a July's day short as December . . . " ~ The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare "Rattle me out of bed early, set me going, give me as short a time as you like to bolt my meals in, and keep me at it. Keep me always at it, and I'll keep you always at it, you keep somebody else always at it. There you are with the Whole Duty of Man in a commercial country." ~ Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens The wide stare stared itself out for one while; the Sun went down in a red, green, golden glory; the stars came out in the heavens, and the fire-flies mimicked them in the lower air, as men may feebly imitate the goodness of a better order of beings; the long dusty roads and the interminable plains were in repose--and so deep a hush was on the sea, that it scarcely whispered of the time when it shall give up its dead. ~ Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts ~ As You Like It by William Shakespeare A marvellous speeder-up of Love is War. What might have taken six months, was thus accomplished in three weeks. ~ Saint's Progress by John Galsworthy Events are as much the parents of the future as they were the children of the past. ~ Saint's Progress by John Galsworthy "My advice is, never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time." ~ David Copperfield by Charles Dickens There are houses whose souls have passed into the limbo of Time, leaving their bodies in the limbo of London. ~ The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy Even grief sobbed itself out in time; only Time was good for sorrow--Time who saw the passing of each mood, each emotion in turn; Time the layer-to-rest. ~ The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy

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